Adams Point

Distance: 1.5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Loop Trail

Located on Adams Point Road in Durham, NH is a nice hiking trail. Adams point is home to The Jackson Estuarine Laboratory. Around the facility is some beautiful hiking paths overlooking the great bay. There are two parking lots one at the Laboratory and one a little before. We parked at the one before the lab and accessed the hiking trails from there.

The trails are flat. There is not a lot of signage or trail markers, but the trail is fairly easy to follow as it goes along the edge of the bay.


The only caution I give for this trail is it is narrow in some places with a steep drop off into the water. If I was walking with young children I would make sure you keep an eye on them.


Overall we enjoyed this hike around the point. This is a perfect place for a nice walk in the woods with some beautiful views of the bay. If you are looking for lunch while in the area check out Stoneface Brewing.
