Channing Trail at The Harris Center

Distance: 3.5 Miles Loop

Difficulty Easy

The Harris Center on Kings Highway in Hancock, NH is host to an array of hiking trails like North Pond Trail and Skatutakee Mountain. Behind the Harris Center building is another series of trails, called East Side Rails. When you are looking at the Harris Center building I recommend parking on the right hand side as the start of these trails are straight back towards a kiosk at the end of the lawn and edge of the woods. You follow the Dandelelyon Trail into the woods to the Boulder Trail. The Boulder Trail is a Loop, but we chose to take the trail off to the right. You walk through a beautiful boulder field towards Channing Trail.


My plan was to walk the Babbitt Trail Loop, but when we got to the intersection of this trail it had not been packed down and we were only wearing our microspike’s so we decided to continue on Channing Trail. The trail continues through the woods. There was a small stream and a bridge, but not much else for water features.


You continue through the woods and there is a small bog on your right.


This trail does pop out onto Kings Highway, which is a dirt road. You go left and head back towards the Harris Center. It is about a half of a mile walk back to the parking lot. The trail itself is relatively flat and easy to follow. I really enjoyed hiking this trail with friends. If you enjoy a nice walk through the woods, I highly recommend checking out this trail.

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