Beech Hill

Distance 1 Mile Round Trip

Difficulty: Easy

If you bring dogs because as there was a lot of broken glass at the top.

Beech Hill is an easy hike with beautiful views of Keene, New Hampshire. The trailhead is located on Chapman Road in Keene. Access to the trail is on the right hand side and is mark by a gate a couple signs with hours allowed on the trail. Parking is on the side of the road. The trail starts past the gate up a tar road.


It is a steady up hill walk up for about .2 miles before the road veers right past a water tower and flattens out. After another tenth of a mile you come to split in the road. The tar road continues left up to a cell tower. There is no view from here. We continued straight down a dirt trail.


After another quarter mile walk you come to the ledge out cropping. If you bring dogs please be cautions as there was a lot of broken glass here. The view of Keene was beautiful.


This is a popular place to watch the sunset. It was a short hike, only half mile to the ledges. We did notice some side trails, which some of them provide a short loop, but we did not know them. Beech Hill is a perfect walk in the woods if you want a quick hike with a nice view.