High Blue

Distance: 1.75 Mile Loop

Difficulty Easy with some small hills

High Blue hiking trail is an easy hike with a good view located in Walpole, New Hampshire. I found this trail thanks to my The New Hiking the Monadnock Region book. To access the trailhead drive to Scovill Road, which is dirt. Once there drive about a half mile where you come to a junction of three roads. On the right is a private driveway, straight ahead is a radio tower and on the left is the start of the trail. The parking area is to the left of the trailhead and only fits one or two cars.

Walk down the dirt road past a bog and you will come to a green gate and a sign for High Blue. It is about a quarter of a mile from the parking lot.

Walk around the gate and follow the trail up through a field until you come to another gate on your left. This one is aluminum. Walk around the gate and continue up the trail.

There are no trail markers, but the trail is pretty easy to follow. Continue on the trail until you come to a sign for The Ledges on your left.

This is a short side trail to a ledge outcropping. With all the leaves gone there was a little view, but not great.

Return to the main trail and continue a few hundred feet until you are at the top of High Blue. There is a bench and a beautiful view of the Connecticut River Valley looking into Vermont.

From here you can return the way you came or you continue on a loop, which is what we did. After the lookout the trail is marked by yellow trail markers.

The trail meanders through the woods, up and down little hills and over a small stream. The trail comes out to an old dirt road. Where there is a sign marking the High Blue Vista Loop trail behind you.

Take a right and the old road goes back to the parking lot. The loop was about 1.75 miles and fairly easy with a few gradual inclines. We hiked this in late December and microspikes were needed. Overall, we really enjoyed this hike. For not a lot of effort there was a beautiful view.

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