Seccombe Trail

Distance: Just under a mile loop.

Difficulty: Easy with gradual incline

Located behind Adams Playground on Union Street in Peterborough, NH is this short loop up to the gravesite of William Seccombe. Seccombe was a sea captain who served as a Lieutenant Commander in the Spanish American War.

To access the trail, park in the dirt parking lot next to the tennis courts. Towards the back of the parking lot is the trailhead.

The trail can be a little tricky to follow as there are several paths that crisscross it. As long as you follow the blue trail markers it is fairly easy to navigate.

The trail goes up a gentle incline until you reach a large boulder and a side trail (red trail markers). From the boulder take a right, onto the side trail, a few hundred feet up is the burial site of the sea captain and his family.

After returning to the boulder follow the remainder of the trail to the backside of the pool at the Adams Playground.

The trail is a little under a mile and a nice historical walk through the woods. During my hike I did see a fox and a deer, which was enjoyable.