Every year I like to do an outdoor challenge this helps me stay accountable for the year and also helps me find new places to explore. The last two years I had done the 365 Mile Challenge and both times finished on or right before New Years Eve. This year I was looking for something different. I had started on the 1000 Outside Hours and Views and Brews Challenge. I felt this was enough for the year.
A local woman had started a 500 Mile Challenge through a private Facebook group in my community. A friend had invited me to the group, but with struggling to complete the 365 Miles Challenge the last two years I was not up for the challenge and declined the invite. A week or so later I was invited to the group again. After exploring the group, I saw it was mostly runners. I am not a runner and felt a little intimidated so declined the invite again. I was invited a third time and felt I could not decline again so I finally accepted the invite.
The goal of the group is to get in 500 miles walking, hiking or running in one year. January and February are always difficult months for me to get miles it, but I started slowly chipping away at it. I had found a printout online that helped me keep track of my miles.
Towards the end of February I started having some blood pressure issues. I was already on a blood pressure medication and my doctor told me I had to go on another one to keep my numbers low. I was not happy with this, but complied. A couple weeks into taking the medication I started having sides effects of a consistent dry cough, which if you look at the time frame was around the time COVID-19 started impacting New England. The last thing I needed was to have a persistent cough. I told my doctor I had to stop the medication. She allowed me to come off it to see if I could manage my blood pressure on my own. I started walking before work, on my lunch break and after work, averaging about 3-4 miles a day.
Dirt Road near my home.
During a follow up doctors approving my blood pressure numbers were so good that I ended up coming off the other mediation, meaning I was no longer on any medication. For my own health I wanted to keep this up so I became even more committed to completing this challenge.
With social distancing happening during the spring we made an effort to get out of the house every weekend and what better option to social distance than to hike. Fortunately I know many trails that are not crowded so we were able to get a lot of hiking in.
Deering Wildlife Sanctuary
As the warmer weather of summer approached and some home renovations started, my average miles were decreasing, but still managed to get out almost every day. I was very thankful I had options of places to walk at work. Even if it was just a half mile I would try to get out. Plus walking at lunch gave me the mental clarity and energy to finish my work day.
Walking path near my work.
As we got into fall and my daughter went back to school on the hybrid model I felt it was important to make sure she was getting outside and exercising every day after spending several hours in front of a screen. As soon as I got home from work we would got for a 1-3 mile walk.
About 99% of my walks were done outside. I have a treadmill, I hate using it, I prefer to be outside. I would walk in all weather, cold, rainy or hot. These walks helped me when I felt overwhelmed with all the COVID restrictions and day to stay stressors.
On November 21st I finished my 500th miles by walking from Temple Mountain to the Sharon Ledges with my family.
My tops hikes and walks of this year were Boot Hill Preserve, exploring Waterville Valley and the Berry Pasture Trail.
View from the Berry Pasture Trail
Even though I was intimidated by this challenge and doing it with runners, I am so glad I did. Not only was it a benefit for my physical health, but my mental health. This gave my family something to do as businesses were closing down and allowed me to connect with friends on the trail during a time of social distancing. To those who are afraid to step out of your comfort zone, it is the worth stress and you may surprise yourself.