Rhododendron State Park

Distance: .6 mile loop with option for more.

Difficulty: Easy

Trail is good for strollers or wheelchairs

Located in Fitzwilliam, NH is Rhododendron State Park. This park is known for its grove of Rhododendron that blooms in mid July. The park is located on Rhododendron Road, with a sign marking the park. There is a parking area, outhouses and a couple picnic tables.

A trail map guides you around the property. I recommend doing the loop through the Wildflower trail, which marks a variety of wildflowers, then continue through the Rhododendron area. The trail is flat and easy to navigate.


The rhododendron provide a fun tunnel to walk through, making this a perfect hike for young children.


The best time to visit is when the flowers are in bloom. The state park website provides a bloom report. so you can try to plan your trip accordingly.


The loop is a little over a half mile, but if you want a little longer hike, you can connect with the Little Monadnock Trail from here.