Tucker Brook North

Distance: 1.5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Loop Trail

Tucker Brook North Trail is located on Whitten Road in Milford, NH and is an extension of Tucker Brook Forest Trail. If you are coming from Market Basket the trail is on the left hand side of the road. It is marked with a small trail sign. Parking for this trail is on the side of the road, this is a residential area so make sure you are not parking on someone’s property.

There are two trails, one follows Tucker Brook off to the left and another that goes straight into the woods. We took the trail that follows the brook. he trail follows the book for a little over half mile.

The trail then turns into the woods. There is a trail off to the right that goes back to the trailhead. Continue straight on the trail and up a slight hill. The trail takes a right and goes up to a small lookout. In the summer I am not sure if you can see anything due to the tree’s.

The trail continues through the woods and circles back to the main trail before returning to the trailhead. The trail is well marked and easy to follow.

There is not a great lookout, but if you want an easy short walk in the woods this is a great trail. The trail is 1.5 miles long and perfect for all abilities.