Robert Frost Farm

Distance: .5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy

Located on Route 28 in Derry, NH was home to the late Poet Robert Frost in the early 1900’s. From May to October you can take a tour of the home. Year round there is access to the nature/poetry trail.

Park in the parking lot behind the house and follow the trail along the left side of the field. You will observe signs with history and some of Robert Frosts Poems.

Continue along the edge of the field until you come to the woods with a small sign with an arrow directing you to the right.

The trail goes through the woods and over a bridge to a small seating area overlooking a small brook.

As you are walking the trail there continues to be several signs with history and Robert Frost Poems.

The trail continues through the woods over another bridge and then back out onto the field back to the house.

This short trail is only a half mile long. This is perfect for the little hikers in your life or if you enjoy Robert Frost Poems. This trail was similar to the Robert Frost Interpretive Trail we did in Vermont a few summers ago.