Pack Monadnock Auto Road

Distance:1.3 Miles Oneway

Difficulty: Moderate

Pack Monadnock located in Miller State Park in Peterborough, New Hampshire is a popular hiking spot and scenic drive in the Monadnock Region. A fun fact is that Miller State Park is New Hampshire’s First State Park.

There are a few different ways to reach the summit. From the parking lot off of Route 101 are two trailheads. To the left is the Wapack Trail and to the right the Marion Davis Trail. From Old Mountain Road is the Raymond Trail that also connects to the Cranberry Meadow Pond Trail. Lastly is the Auto Road.

We have hiked the different trails up Pack Monadnock and driven the Auto Road, but have never walked the Auto Road. This 1.3 mile road is a great alternative to hiking the trails up Pack Monadnock. In the off season cars are not allowed up the road. We hiked the auto road after a snow storm and it was absolutely beautiful.

The road is a steady incline up the mountain with some switchbacks.

About halfway up the mountain is an outlook looking towards Temple Mountain.

The road flattens out before one last steep section to the summit. At the top is a picnic area, fire tower and park store which is open seasonally. Unfortunately the summit was covered in clouds, but it was still beautiful with the snow covered trees.

We saw people snowshoeing, cross country skiing and hiking the auto road. This is a popular spot to hike to watch the sunrise. If you are hiking it in the winter make sure you wear appropriate footwear either snowshoes or microspikes depending on the trail condition. With the steady incline of the road I would say this is a moderate hike.

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