Mill Pond and Goodhue Hill Trails.

Distance: Half Mile up to 2.5 Miles

Difficulty: Easy to easy side of moderate.

Located on Willard Pond Road in Antrim is Willard Pond. A popular kayaking location. There are also a few different trails to hike, such as Bald Mountain, or the Tutor Trail. Today we checked out the Mill Pond and Goodhue Hill Trails.

From the parking lot walk up the road towards the pond. Watch for trail signs on the right for Mill Pond. This is a flat trail around a small pond.

About halfway around the pond there is a trail up Goodhue Hill.

Goodhue Hill is a gentle incline hike following red trail markers through the woods. The last quarter of mile is flat and through a grassy area where we picked up a lot of ticks.

After hiking a mile you come to a ledge out cropping with views of North Pack and Pack Monadnock, Skatutakee and Thumb Mountain and a glimpse of Mt. Monadnock.

After descending the Goodhue Trail you continue the loop around Mill Pond, crossing a couple small bridges.

If you only walk around the pond it is a half mile. If you hike up Goodhue Hill it’s 2 miles up and back. Both trails are 2.5 miles and are great options for some beautiful views.